Live and Inspired 2018/19
Bringing live music to young people across the region
We believe in the power of inspirational music experiences. As part of our commitment to making inspirational experiences accessible to more young people, this year we have pledged to offer 44 primary and SEN schools a live, in-school performance. These ‘tours’ have been carefully curated to provide schools with a breadth of high-quality live music to choose from – offering them a range of genres, instruments, and experiences depending on the most valuable option for their students.
Touring musicians include ‘Indian Fusion’ from The Chris Woods Groove Orchestra, ‘SoundCellar Jazz Trio’, BSO blast and a range of concerts from Live Music Now.
We anticipate that by the end of this academic year approx. 14,000 students will have witnessed live music in their schools through ‘Live and Inspired’. Follow this page to read more about the tours as they happen…
‘Indian Fusion’ from The Chris Woods Groove Orchestra
24 – 28th September 2018
Guitarist and composer Chris Woods welcomed renowned tabla player Harkiret Singh Bahra for a series of inspiring performances across 10 schools to a total of 3508 young people.
The concerts offered an engaging journey through fusion and Indian classical music with audience participation, outrageously virtuosic demonstrations and emotive performances. Students came away with an understanding of the fundamentals of Indian classical music and an insight into Indian classical’ s influence within modern western genres.
“I loved the drummer. His hands were going so fast it made me feel excited” Y2 pupil
“The guitarist was really cool. I don’t know how he made all those different sounds!” Y5 pupil
“We really enjoyed the performances and the children were fascinated by the different rhythms and beats.” – Primary Music Coordinator